New Orleans Dental Conference and LDA Annual Session

New Orleans Dental Conference & LDA Annual Session

Put a little flavor in your continuing education by attending the New Orleans Dental Conference and LDA Annual Session, hosted on April 10-11, 2025, at the Astor Crowne Plaza New Orleans.

During this three day conference, attendees will have the opportunity to earn up to 12 hours of C.E. credit for such an incredible price.

Throughout the conference, we encourage you to check out the Exhibit Hall. There will be tons of information available throughout the Exhibit Hall regarding new products and services to help you improve your practice. It will also be the home to several new booths and attractions this year. Continue checking the website for the latest news and announcements!



Our Mission

To provide continuing dental education for the members of the New Orleans Dental Association, Inc. and other component members of the constituent, the Louisiana Dental Association, Inc; and through the annual New Orleans Dental Conference/LDA Annual Session, further provide continuing dental education to dental practitioners and ancillary dental personnel on a regional, national, and international level. These programs will serve to motivate and assist young men and women in preparing, qualifying and establishing themselves in the practice of dentistry.



Continuing Education Information

The New Orleans Dental Association, Inc. is an ADA-CERP recognized provider. One hour of credit is given for each hour of lecture.

At the beginning and conclusion of each session, a unique code will be scanned. The unique code will verify attendance and serve as your C.E. credit. During the conference, a C.E. form for all attendees can be picked up from the registration area or from one of the room monitors. Please refer any additional requests or questions to the C.E. desk, which will be located at the registration area. After the conclusion of the conference, NO other verification of attendance will be available.

AGD members should mail their forms to:

Dental Education Service Assistant, Academy of General Dentistry
211 E. Chicago Ave., Ste. #900
Chicago, IL 60611

ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education.  ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry. The LDA and NODA designate this activity for up to 18 continuing education credits.



Conference Committee - 2025

General Chair - Dr. James Burns
Budget - Dr. Mark Chaney
Exhibits - Dr. Victoria Boraski
Exhibits - Dr. Keith Kyler
Hotels - Dr. Jeffry Leeson
Operations - Dr. Troy Babb
Operations - Dr. Gizelle Richard
Public Relations - Dr. Byron Ganucheau
Public Relations - Dr. Kristopher Rappold
Registration - Dr. Dominic Calato
Registration - Dr. Francesca Velasco
Scientific Program - Dr. James Burns
Scientific Program - Dr. Vincent DiLeo, Jr.
Scientific Support - Dr. Gabrielle Richard
Scientific Support - Dr. David Hildebrandt
Advisory Committee - Dr. Vincent DiLeo, Jr.
Advisory Committee - Dr. David Hildebrandt
Advisory Committee - Dr. Gizelle Richard
Advisory Committee - Dr. Kristopher Rappold
2025 NODA President - TBD
NODA Executive Director - Andrew Hale
LDA President - TBD
LDA Executive Director - Annette Droddy

Past Chairpersons

1948 - Frederick J. Wolfe, Sr.
1949 - A.C. Brousard
1950 - Leo J. Schoeny
1951 - Wallace M. Nicaud
1952 - J. Melville Smith III
1953 - Alfred E. Smith
1954 - Andrew R. Whitley
1955 - W. Ormond Goggin
1956 - Victor B. Marquer
1957 - Prescott E. Smith
1958 - Alvin N. Dumestre
1959 - Charles F. Bartels
1960 - Meffre R. Matta
1961 - Allen A. Copping
1962 - Anthony B. Carimi
1963 - Dario F. Ballina, Jr.
1964 - Frederick J. Michon
1965 - Raymond P. Bassich, Jr.
1966 - Eugene J. Fortier, Jr.
1967 - Frank L. Herbert
1968 - J.P. Curl
1969 - E. Harold Faget
1970 - Edward P. Burvant
1971 - Joseph O. Kuebel, Jr.
1972 - Vincent N. Liberto
1973 - Milford L. Kathmann, Jr.
1974 - Francis R. Abadie
1975 - Clay C. Hunley
1976 - Robert H. Charbonnet
1977 - Edmond J. Ganucheau, Jr.
1978 - David E. Simmons
1979 - Peter L. Glaser
1980 - ADA Annual Session
1981 - Louis G. Grush
1982 - James T. Clynes
1983 - Darlene T. Bassett & Phillip J. DiSalvo
1984 - Anthony Miranda, Jr.
1985 - James D. Kiser
1986 - Michael W. Mackenzie
1987 - Emmett L. Zimmerman III
1988 - John A. Franck, Jr.
1989 - Debra C. Arnold
1990 - John D. Shea
1991 - Terence E. Walsh
1992 - Randolph D. Green
1993 - Terry F. Fugetta
1994 - ADA Annual Session
1995 - Anthea L. Grogono
1996 - Lisa P. Germain
1997 - Patrick C. Eck
1998 - F. Thomas Giacona
1999 - Melanie J. Andrews
2000 - Gerald A. Williams
2001 - Robert E. Barsley
2002 - ADA Annual Session
2003 - Carol A. Stuckey
2004 - Ronald A. Mancuso
2005 - Gabriel F. Daroca III
2007 - Glenn C. Dubroc, Jr.
2008 - Donald R. Toso
2009 - David J. Hildebrandt
2010 - William A. Hadlock
2011 - Mark S. Chaney
2012 - Claudia A. Cavallino
2013 - ADA Annual Session
2014 - Donald P. Bennett
2015 - Gustavo M. Coutin
2016 - Jeffry A. Leeson
2017 - Eliot D. Guerin
2018 - Byron C. Ganucheau
2019 - Gizelle P. Richard
2020 - James E. Burns
2021 - Vincent L. DiLeo, Jr.
2022 - Kristopher Rappold & Keith Kyler
2023 - Kristopher Rappold & Keith Kyler
2024 - ADA Annual Session
2025 - James E. Burns